1370 E. Robindale Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89123
Where are we located?
1370 E. Robindale Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89123. On Robindale Rd. between Spencer and the 215 overpass.
We have onsite parking.
What should I wear?
Our atmosphere is informal and we are a gathering of all ages. Dress is varying levels of casual. You will fit in if you wear whatever feels comfortable.
What will happen in worship?
Our services are liturgical; accessible; and biblical. We follow a service format that includes announcements, praise and worship time, prayer requests and praises, offering, communion on the first Sunday of each month, the sermon, and closing blessings. Music is a mix of popular contemporary and traditional hymns. Our sanctuary is barrier-free, we use projection technology for all songs and readings. Our sermons teach the Bible and apply its truth to everyday life. Above all, our worship services are designed to introduce members and visitors to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in a way that is personal and life-changing.